OPAS version 9 kommer att släppas under våren 2009


Improved Data Handling -
"Under the hood" changes to the database engine and programming tools that OPAS employs will make OPAS run better, and reduce problems with complex searches

New Report Writer -
FIne Arts Software will start to incorporate a new report writer starting with version 9. This report writer should make “Word” reports more flexible – for example, when you print a composition performance history, you’ll be able to indicate how far back the report should go, and allow you to include only certain Projects.

A new Icon Set -
We will replace the current OPAS icons with more Windows-standard and user-friendly icons.

Customizable Screens -
Perhaps most significantly, OPAS 9 will give you the opportunity to design your own screens. Each department can have screens tailored to their specific needs, making OPAS more intuitive and easier to use. Läs mer här på Fine Arts