UPDATE 8.21.127 FIX Calendar Date and Time format shown wrong if no Dates in selected period
UPDATE 8.21.127 FIX Calendar missing User Rights in Level 1 caused also missing User Rights in other Levels
UPDATE 8.21.127 FIX Dates / Works error by Edit Filter if Composer has been selcted by opening relation
UPDATE 8.21.127 FIX Duties Management error by Refresh Data, if NULL value in Instrument.Text
UPDATE 8.21.127 NEW Tours Marital Status added to Export
UPDATE 8.21.127 NEW Transport Cases  Listboxes and Listviews of Transport Cases configuarable with OPAS.INI setting;  [DATADISPLAY] TransportCaseComboColumns= (e.g. NAME CODE or Code, Name)
UPDATE 8.21.129 FIX General / Exports error by duplicate column names
UPDATE 8.21.130 FIX Dates new Dates appeared at the and of each month
UPDATE 8.21.130 NEW Duties Management Project bold in column header
UPDATE 8.21.130 NEW Seating Plan Management order of persons can be chosen between Name and Order 1
UPDATE 8.21.130 NEW Tours tables Salutations and Titles added to Export 
UPDATE 8.21.130 NEW Tours/Groups tables Salutations and Titles added to Export 
UPDATE 8.21.130 NEW Tours/Persons tables Salutations and Titles added to Export 
UPDATE 8.21.131 FIX Calculations/Expenses Number hasn't had 2 decimals
UPDATE 8.21.131 NEW Tours/Instrumnets column Instrument.Code added to form Add/Instruments