UPDATE 8.21.117 FIX Artistic Planning error in function Create Project from Template; only SQL Server
UPDATE 8.21.117 NEW  Duties Management column width adjustable; will bes saved as usual for each user
UPDATE 8.21.117 NEW  Tours Management column width adjustable; will bes saved as usual for each user
UPDATE 8.21.118 FIX General Combo Boxes opened in upper direction, outside the display, if form were maximized
UPDATE 8.21.120 FIX Address-Book/Export error by exporting single record
UPDATE 8.21.120 FIX Seating Plan Management Works were not listed by filtering on Project
UPDATE 8.21.120 NEW Tours Management Order can be changed between Person.Name and Section.Order
UPDATE 8.21.122 FIX Reports field Window has been truncated after 40 char.
UPDATE 8.21.125 FIX Contracts error 'Astist_ID not found' by adding Dates
UPDATE 8.21.125 FIX Rental Contracts error 'Astist_ID not found' by adding Dates
UPDATE 8.21.125 NEW Duties Management Days are separated by a double line
UPDATE 8.21.126 FIX Reports selection of alternative languages didn't work